A female who is in denial about loving vagina.
She loves penis, but also likes vagina.
You see Deena & Snooki making out at the club.
They say they're not lesbian.
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A female who is indenile or needs clarification on the fact that she loves vagina. Everybody's favorite line from fat amy in pitch perfect
* two girls making out in just bras and thongs rapidly touching eachother in the love zones *
Girl1: were not lesbians right?
Girl2: no way
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lesbian + let's be honest
used when referring to a female one suspects is a lesbian
She says she's straight, but lesbehonest...
A classy or symbolic way of saying lesbain.
Lesbehonest we all knew.
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When a Lesbo is being honest with you.
Lesbo: Lesbehonest, I like girls.