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Lexington village

Lexington village, a southeast Colorado Springs community known as the “village” or “ville” is home to multiple street gangs. Some days it might be quiet but don’t mistake this neighborhoods crime rate is through the roof and is avoided by Colorado Springs Police Department. The rolling 20 Crips dominate this neighborhood making their nicknames “village babies” from murder, robbery, prostitution, drug trafficking and grand theft auto, this neighborhood is rich in crime. Reccxless rollxn, lxl recc rollxn, Kloc, Jrrich; put this neighborhood on the map in Colorado Springs to make it the main attraction for gang activity. Chances of seeing a blue, black & gold bandana is 10/10 walking thru this neighborhood. The members all collect huge sums of money and wear heavy amounts of jewelry. Welcome to Lexington village

“Lexington village?” “No bitch the village

by The gazette February 6, 2023