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Liberal Democrat


To Liberal Democrat is to throw all your beliefs and ideals out of the window in a desperate grab for power.

See him over there.... yeah, well he Liberal Democratted.

by jimmyyyyyyyy00000 November 3, 2010

2783๐Ÿ‘ 58๐Ÿ‘Ž

Liberal Democrat

One who knows more about what's good for you than you do. Generally defined as a college professor who never leaves campus but knows what it's like in the real world.... 2. A rich person who wants to tax everyone but themselves to give to the poor. i.e. Ted Kennedy, Hilary Clinton, Jimmy Carter

Yo dawg .... we gots to vote for the Liberal Democrats so we can get mo' money on our govt check every month. Maybe if we's lucky we can get J Cart (Jimmy Carter) to build us a house.

by MDog221 July 15, 2006

209๐Ÿ‘ 130๐Ÿ‘Ž

Liberal Democrat

Currently the third largest political party in the United Kingdom, who most people would vote for, if they thought they could win.

They are without a doubt the best party in British Politics, it's just a shame they haven't been elected yet, because clearly they'd sort out all of the problems if they were!

Person 1 - "Those Liberal Democrat's have some great policies, but they'll never win, so I'm voting Tory"

Person 2 - "But if you don't vote for them, they can't win"

Person 1 - "Fair point"

by Foz19 February 28, 2010

42๐Ÿ‘ 2060๐Ÿ‘Ž

Liberal democrat

1. A person who has sold out their beliefs in the desperate persuit of political power. A barefaced, shameless liar.

2. A term of abuse for someone who has made a pledge and subsequently broken it.

Note: A notable 'liberal democrat' is British politician Nick Clegg who had presided over the destruction of his own political party known as the 'liberal democrats'.

See also: Tory facilitator, Conservative, Sell out, Liar, back-stabber, Trickster

"You liberal democrat!" - insult in common usage in Britain.

by exlibdem December 9, 2010

818๐Ÿ‘ 98๐Ÿ‘Ž

Liberal Democrats

The third largest politial pary in the UK behind the Labour Party and the Conservative Party. Created from a merger of the Liberal Party and the Social Democratic Party. Claim they're moderate, but that's a bald-faced lie. They've got 'Liberal' and 'Democrat' in their party name, for crying out loud!

I wish I wasn't a Liberal Democrat. But alas, that's the best I can do.

by G. L. February 14, 2004

127๐Ÿ‘ 92๐Ÿ‘Ž

liberal democrats

Silly single issue party in the United Kingdom. Always bang on about the war and are supported generally by the media, especially Channel 4 or the BBC.

This party claims to be nice people, however last year they stabbed their leader in the back who was reasonably successful, (by their standards). It emerged that one of the contenders was a closet homosexual who had been round all the rent boys in London, and another a bisexual who had previously denied his sexuality.

Thier policies comprise mainly of false sincerity and talking about Iraq. They also think that raising taxes is a good idea and want to let in as many assylum seekers as possible, make prisons more confortable and allow fellons to vote.

This party, as it is never going to be in government tries an "All things to All men" approach. This works amongst gullable people who can't choose between the two main parties in the UK.

They perform well in the West country, Mid Wales and Northern Scotland (ie obscure cut off parts of Britain)

I don't know who to vote for. Let's go for the Liberal Democrats , their policies are stupid and they came last, last time but at least their nice people

by JonathandaJman July 23, 2006

86๐Ÿ‘ 94๐Ÿ‘Ž

Liberal Democrats

The Party of the United Kingdom whose policies include:

<insert policies here>

An whose ideology is generally considered to be <ideology>. They care with great conviction about <section of society>, and have plans to scrap most of the nation's defences. They also have plans to raise taxes on... pretty much everyone.

Scientists have studied the Liberal Democrat Party for a number of years, and, after much investigation, have concluded that it's a bit like Labour, except, worse.

I'm part of the Liberal Democrats, and I'm going to sit on the fence and just hope that no one attacks Britain. If they do, I can wave my socialist flag at them paid for with lots of tax rises.

by TGPEG April 18, 2010

49๐Ÿ‘ 57๐Ÿ‘Ž