AKA "Paulbot 2.0". Refers to the next generation of idealistic "20 somethings" who believe all the tripe that is spewed by the older Ron Paul followers regarding things like total disengagement from ALL foreign countries, eradication of what they believe to be "unconstitutional" laws, and elimination of most (if not all) social safety programs and taxes. Also typically un-informed brainwashees to the cult of Ayn Rand, and her sociopathic brand of "I've got mine, screw you" method of helping your fellow human being...
The normal habitat for these strange creatures is hibernating in their parents basements, playing their xBoxes until about 18 months before the Presidential election, when they come out of hibernation to blame both major parties for ruining the country and then voting Republican (to "punish" the Democrats) when their preferred candidate inevitably "crashes and burns" (because the Republican Party will freeze out their guy from the debates) before the primaries are over...
That Liberty Kid girl is such a devoted follower of Ayn Rand that she actually made herself look as ugly as AynRand with the same haircut...
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A historical show for first graders that your teacher makes you watch even though it teaches you nothing.
You: "Ms. Teacher what is our social studies homework for today?"
Teacher: "Liberty's Kids"
The Whole Class: "Groans"
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