Source Code

like hell

Used as a cancelling prefix.

"I am going to the CIRCUS!"

"Like Hell you are!"

by guy_incognito December 10, 2005

156πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

Like Hell it is

A phrase used as a comeback when hearing a piece of information that you find false. Similar to saying 'sure' sarcastically.

P1: Dude my penis is literally 3 feet long, no joke.

P2: Like hell it is!

by upsideinside November 3, 2009

30πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Like Hell

Meaning something isn't going to happen. 0% chance.

Guy #1:"Give me like $10 man."
Guy #3"Like hell, get your own money."


18πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

like hell you are

Response to an unfathomable action statement made by another person. The respondent simply and sternly explains this will not take place. Ex: son is not allowed somewhere, but tells his parents, "I'm going anyways!" The parents may respond with, "like hell you are!" Respondent may feel the person had a lot of 'nerve' to say such a thing.

Lover tells their partner during an anniversary they are going to a club instead of spending it with them. Their partner would respond "like hell you are!" Meaning you aren't going, period.

by Thisjusthappened November 10, 2013

71πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Hurts like Hell

A saying used by many people to describe their pain.

Hurt like hell is a extreme amount of pain.

Chuck: "God damn I dropped a fucking hammer on my foot earlier."

Carl: "Haha. Really?"

Chuck: "Yes, and it hurts like hell."

by Clingbo1 August 23, 2010

28πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

stank like hell

1. When you smell badly like you need to wash yourself

2 When somebody’s attitude is rude/off/and overall giving bad vibes

1 I'm finna take a shower cuz I stank like hell

2 Y’all attitudes stank like hell….something finna pop off cuz of y’all attitudes i swear

by sorenxiv August 30, 2023

Look like hell

If someone or something looks like hell, it means they or it looks ugly or bad.

For instance, if I said "I can't go to the store right now, I look like hell!" that would mean that my appearance is in such an uncomely state that I refuse to be seen.

by ilmk92089 April 1, 2018

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