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Lil bitch ass

A word used when you've overused the word hoe and need a back up.

"Ok lil bitch ass calm down you've already slept with the whole school"

by Lilbitchass June 12, 2016

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lil pussy ass bitch

you know he's a great guy sometimes, but holy fucking shit man, the majority of the time you just wanna just get a fucking cast iron and decapitate his fucking head with it cause of how much a lil pussy ass bitch he is...

friend: hey you know that guy named zain?
me: yeah dude, he's a lil pussy ass bitch... really wanna kick his shit in sometimes man ngl

by NYXALIAN September 5, 2020

Lil haired ass bitch

A person that talks a lot of shit but hair can’t go past their ears.

β€œLil’ Bald head bitch, still the most hated.”

β€œI’m not finna argue wit a lil haired ass bitch…bitch hair can’t even touch the ears and wanna talk.”

by The baddest bitch on earth July 18, 2022

Lil' dumb ass bitch

What Big Sean says when you're trying to distract him with titties during a football game, when he is the QB, also he hates this bitch.

Lil' dumb ass bitch I aint fuckin with you, as I've got a million-trillion things I'd rather fuckin do, than to be here with you.

by MurMur... whisper in yo earrrs June 18, 2015

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