The last name usually in association with a fun easy going person who is normally good at playing sports.
He just Lindgrenatored that basketball!! Did you see how Lindgrenated that monster dunk!?!
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a giant moist shit that needs almost no wiping.
a very relieving poop.
Dude 1: "Dude, I just took the best shit ever"
Dude 2: "We're out of toilet paper though, man"
Dude 1: "That's okay it was a buttery lindgren"
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Quite possibly the best runner there ever was. He grew up in Spokane, Washington, and had an alcaholic father. He was really wimpy, and when he started high school, he was the biggest wimp there, and was made fun of. He decided to run cross country because he wasn't good at any other sport. He ended up setting world records for running later in his life, and was still cool about it. The role model for any runner. He is also another reason {cross country runners rock, and also shows that it is the best sport.
Guy A: Wow, Gerry Lindgren rocks!
Guy B: True, true.
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Astrid Lindgren was a Swedish childrens-book-author who wrote for example: Karlsson on the Roof, Lionheart Brothers, The kidz in Bullerbyn, Pippi Longstocking, Madicken and maney more.
Some sources say that it was Astrid Lindgren who killed the Swedish politican Olof Palme. One of these sources are the Swedish band Tunnan & Moroten who have a very good song named MassmΓΆrdaren Astrid (Astrid the Serial Killer).
Astrid Lindgren is dead
Astrid Lindgren enjoyed watching E! and listen to Black Metal
Everyone in Sweden (and in maney other countries) love Astrid Lindgren.
Person1: Have you read the Astrid Lindgren book The Kidz of Bullerbyn?
Person2: No, but I saw the movie and I think it should be called The Gay-Motherfuckers of Bullerbyn because that kidz was really fag.
Person3: I crapped my pants when watching Karlsson on the Roof. He was scary and totally rape.
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