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lions tail

Lions tail is a plant that is considered a weed and can reach up to 25 feet tall. The latin name is Leonotis leonorus. It can be used to ease pre-menstural discomfort, but it is more often used as a legal substitute to Cannabis.

"Lets go smoke some weed". "Nah, I dont want to get in trouble. Lets smoke some Lions tail".

by Ryan June 19, 2006

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Lion Tail

A used condom hanging out of a man's butt.

Go camping with a group friends. Men only, all heterosexual.
Rough night with lots of booze.
Morning after: wake up feeling funny, only to realise you have a lion tail.

What do you do?

by kontell April 8, 2015


The hairstyle where a bald dude grows out his side hair and wears it in a ponytail. The hairstyle resembles the tail of a lion where it is furry a d dark towards the tip of the tail but appears bald throughout the rest of the tail.

I went to a Jimmy Buffet concert with my dad and saw more lion-tails than I could count.

by Analyst-gone-Architect May 24, 2021

lion tail

a dick that has hair all over it, then a big bush at the head

The guy walking down the street had a sign on him that said i have a lion tail

by brendon rea April 20, 2008

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Lion's Tail

When you leave a little bit of shit on the rear of the toilet seat after you get up.

Damn. I just took a shit and left a lion's tail in the restroom. Oh well!

by MdstandsforMYDICK May 29, 2024

Lion’s tail

A thick pony tail worn by men; usually tied or wrapped with a string or ribbon.

His beautiful lion’s tail flowed in the wind.

by Danimal024 January 5, 2020