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1. A drink that is meant to be used in your mouth to sterilize it.
2. Can also be defines as a indian's (native american) favourite drink.
3. Can be used as a refresher for ur breath
4. Also can be used to drink as a replacement to lysol for indians.

1.(john): shit look at that native across the street
(mary): yeah i know, hey wait shes drinking listerine
(john): yeah i know look at her chug that shit

2. shit john ur breath stinks like ass lemme buy u some listerine.

by Mason Mang February 19, 2007

170๐Ÿ‘ 61๐Ÿ‘Ž


A amazing drink only drank by the coolest people

GAAHH DAMN I'm GEEKIN off this bottle of LISTERINE

by Theeeogre February 14, 2023


From the Cockney Slang word 'septic' which was short for septic tank...yank.

So to say that someone was anti-septic means anti-american...Listerine.

Clear as mud that one!

That Osama Bin Laden is a right old Listerine!

by Afroken November 14, 2003

27๐Ÿ‘ 62๐Ÿ‘Ž


Poor Native indians drink it and get fucked. It comes with a free shot glass too.

Indian 1: Hey Gino, take a shot of this new less intense listerine.
Indian 2: I think i'm blind.

by nahunni August 6, 2006

135๐Ÿ‘ 48๐Ÿ‘Ž


Drinking listerine wil harm your kidneys your liver, and your social life.
Affects 8 out of 10 homeless people.

Mommy, that man sniffing gas out of the plastic bag must suffer from listerineitis.

by skip 1 October 21, 2008


'Modern Cockney' meaning ani american. Ryming slang for an American is 'septic tank' (yank) and Listerine is aniseptic so... yeah.

Guy in Market: I'm no listerine!

by Last Chancer October 23, 2006

46๐Ÿ‘ 64๐Ÿ‘Ž


To drink Listerine.Will affect kidneys, liver, and perhaps social life.Not only is your breath fresh, but so is you're asshole.
Affects 8 out of 10 homeless people.

Mommy is that man drinking Listerine from that Listerine bottle suffering from Listerineitis?

by Skip Wright Along October 26, 2008