Originated on the radio show "Loveline", hosted by Dr. Drew Pinsky and Adam Carolla. Refers specifically to Drew's high school, but can be used to denote any fancy-pants school that caters to spoiled rich kids.
Right, but where Drew went, the Little Lord Fauntleroy School for Albino Hemophiliacs, the mascot was Lord Jeff. Lord Jeff?! You have a dead white guy as your mascot?
104👍 6👎
a made up school. used to imply rich people.
where did you go, little lord fauntleroy school for albino hemophiliacs?
25👍 10👎
where i am currently in full time education. we albino hemophiliacs need a place where we can work and play together and chew each other's ears, and stay inside all day in darkness away from the sun
i go to the little lord fauntleroy school for albino hemophiliacs because i am an albino hemophiliac
6👍 18👎
look at tom raw blowing that goat
4👍 28👎
any ivy league school.
3👍 28👎
See: omegaverb
That lame asswipe must have attended the little lord fauntleroy school for albino hemophiliacs
2👍 19👎