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live stream please bread man

The "live stream please bread man" slogan is a meme that originated from the YouTube channel Toasty Boi. The channel is known for its videos of a bread man character who is toasted in a toaster. The slogan is a request from fans of the channel to see the bread man character live streamed.

The slogan is a play on words. The word "bread" can refer to both the type of food and the act of live streaming. The word "man" can refer to both a human male and the character in the Toasty Boi videos. So, the slogan can be interpreted as either "please live stream the bread man character" or "please live stream the act of toasting bread."

The slogan is often used in the comments section of Toasty Boi's videos. It is also used in other online forums and social media. The slogan has become a popular way to express support for the channel and to request more live streams.

"Live stream please bread man! I need my daily dose of toast."
"I'm so glad Toasty Boi finally live streamed. The bread man is so funny!"
"I'm going to start a petition to get Toasty Boi to live stream every day."
"Please live stream bread man im going absolutley insane. (boowomp lol!)"

by Catlover19633 July 18, 2023