The school of logic that compares and correlates two or more disparate, independent entities or events using absolutely no logic, usually based on superstition, WhatsApp forwards, hearsay and personally, socio-culturally preconceived notions. An utter disregard for basic science and lack of any empirically proven evidence is a key aspect of this school of thought. Usually deployed by Indian Gen X-1 to screw the living happiness of Gen X.
Why can't I go swim?
Because Pluto is no longer a planet, and it messes up your birth-chart, swimming pools have piranha pee in them according to NASA and you didn't do what I asked you to do without explaining it because I am just generally superior to you in all regards. By the way, who swims on a rainy/sunny day?
That makes no sense. I can't argue with that. Fucking Logic of India!
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