A logo editor is a type of person who uses Sony Vegas to slap in random video and audio filters and call in an "audio effect i'll call something". Logo editors are mostly toxic, and "inspire" famous TV station logos.
Person 1: Oh hi, I'm a logo editor!
Person 2: That community is toxic though.
Person 1: It's not toxic!!
Here are 3 definitions in one.
Logo edit: A really uncool (to say the least) community that peaked in the late 2010s (2016 and later). Basically they would take a logo (often Klasky Csupo, Samsung Logo, MasterCard, or a different company) and then change colours, change the pitch and sound, alter the appearance of it (most often mirroring it) and call it an “effect”. Sometimes, the logo gets reversed, or the speed is changed. An example is “G major 4” where the audio is duplicated, with one of the audios playing a higher pitch from the other audio and then there is a filter making all white black.
Logo editor: A person who engages in the aforementioned activity, adding filters and altering audios and visuals to make what is named an effect. Often consists of less than 11 year old children who have no idea what they are doing. Also often appends phrases such as AUTTP or ATHDTC to their username to seem cool.
Logo effect: The product of the activity of logo editing. When watched, your braincells may decrease and you may die of cringe. As mentioned, many can be described as the following phrase: “A video consisting of a company’s logo, with a colour filter applied to it along with altered sound and visuals. Sometimes has mirroring or reverse or speed change applied to it. Also the titles look like this: MasterCard logo effects sponsored by Goofy Ahh Ohio Effects
Logo edit: Person 1: I made a logo edit! Check it out
Person 1: What did I do?
Person 3: Calls 911
Person 2: goes to hospital
Person 1: gets arrested for assault
Logo editor: Billy: I heard that Harry edits logos for views on YouTube! He is such a loser, wow.
Logo effect: Confusion is a logo effect. To make it, you must invert the white colour into black, add a mirror and reverse the audio.
Logo edit/logo editor/logo effect (i added this so that I could publish it)