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One who is never in class,
and is instead smoking chronic
at a mentor meeting.
usually with a student
by the name of Maida Cholakyan.

You stupid Asian! Stop smoking! You remind me of Lorilyn!

by Tater Tizzle December 2, 2006

26๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž


The queen of attending class and getting straight A's. Often asian with a love for G-unit,Paris Hilton,and the Barbie Girl song. Will work for Bapestas and LSD.

An individual who is is drug-free and committed to her education.

How Asian. What a Lorilyn!

by Breana Montoya November 29, 2006

17๐Ÿ‘ 38๐Ÿ‘Ž


Lorilyn is a girl that is crowned with great achievement and recognition. She has a sense of harmony within her, an inner calmness, that blends well with her victory. Although she is loving and supportive most of the time, she also has a fierceness and a judgmental side to her. She is insecure about the littlest things but chooses to laugh it off to avoid losing friends.
Lorilyn is derived from the names Lori (Latin origin) and Lynn (Gaelic origin).
See also: Lorilynn

sheโ€™s calm yet a victor, sheโ€™s loving yet a hater, sheโ€™s Lorilyn.

by drink the koolaid November 21, 2023