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lube me up

A culinary phrase - when a dollop of puree or cream is on a plate and a small scoop is made in the middle to form a reservoir whereby olive oil is drizzled inside. This act resembles a hole that has oil in it which brings to mind an asshole that has lube in it ready for insertion.

Hey dude lube me up would you!

by plucker October 16, 2009

11👍 7👎

Lube me up

When someone is trying to smooth talk you, or they are getting ready to screw you over on something.

A tree fell down on our lawn the other day and when had call a Arborist. A fare and honest man he explained how he is not going to “ Lube me up” like the other companies would.

by BigRed606 July 1, 2019

2👍 2👎