A true story written in novel style by Ben Stein (of win Ben Sltein's money) published in 1982. In the story "Lenny Brown"is a pseudonymous character representing Steins real life friend. Lenny is a real 'go getter' into real estate and finance deals. His career arc is on a stratospheric rise when he and his wife Linda move to la to pursue his dreams.at first Lenny seems to have it all: beautiful wife. Gorgeous mansion in the "Hollywood Hills"the requisite black bottom pool.and a career that is on fire! Then through a series of financial mishaps Lenny s life falls apart. He becomes addicted to 'ludes. Loses his wife and mansion and follows a downward spiral which ends in a 1room 'walkup' in Venice Beach
Ludes-a ballad of the drug and the dream may be a little dated but it's message about drug addiction remains relevant to this day.