somebody with a vacuous mind,or lacking in intelligence. Also used to mean someone with a big lump on their head resulting from a blow to the head.
Kenny,Kevin,Jamie,Matt,Robert,Harun,Uriah,Jim,Tom,Bill,and Jeff are all quite the lumpheadsfor being barehead in such cold weather!
On February 24,1980, ten-year-old Linus was quite the lumphead, by saying his nine-year-old brother Luke had a square head and Luke repaid Linus by calling his head a rectangle head,and with that he crowned Linus as Linus lost his pompom snowhat. "Now you're a lumpheadin more ways than one,Linus!" exclaimed Luke,as a huge lump appeared on Linus' bare cold head.
When you have a perfectly functioning brain, but you just don't use/outright refuse to use it.
Derived from the saying " Just sitting there like a lump on a log. "
Boy: You seen {blank}'s posts? What a total Lumphead! He never bothers to look anything up...
"Heyyyyyyyyy Fred, you coming to the game tonight lumphead?"
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A supermarket checkout assistant with a huge bony ridge on his forehead like a Klingon.
Monkus: Dad! Klingon alert!
Dad: Don't worry, its only Daniel Lumphead. Its David the Grunting Spacker you need to worry about.
Monkus: Shit, this place is full of retards.
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