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lunch gang

A group of individuals who spend a lot of time together; often bonding over meals. This can also be referred to as a friend group of some sort. The lunch gang is a concept based on the breakfast club. Members of the lunch gang are, in most cases, all children in a school or co-workers in an office setting. The lunch gang may often be envied for the special bond they have. Group friendships are very rare to come by and if you ever happen to have a friend group called the lunch gang you must be very lucky.

Being a part of a lunch gang involves making group plans together (often never going through with them), sharing or swapping lunches, having inside jokes that only the group understands and being extremely comfortable around each other. So much so that every member influences the rest in small ways and everyone learns from each other.

Members of a Lunch gang almost always find parallels to themselves and the F.R.I.E.N.D.S show that first aired in 1994.

The lunch gang often has bonds that date back to their childhoods and that makes it very special and is something they will never forget.

I want what they have. I want a friend group like The lunch gang

by Arnav69 November 29, 2021