Source Code


LYSM means : Love you so much

Jess I LYSM forever!!!!!!!!! (MSN Messenger, IM etc)

by cnrgll October 4, 2006

151πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

tysm and lysm

Thank you so much and love you so much. This acronym is usually used while texting.

Andy-hey can I borrow your book and give it back tomorrow?
Andy- Tysm and lysm!!! You’re the best!!
Nelly-Ikr!!! I’m amazing

by HarryJackson24 October 12, 2017

9πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


"Love You So Much"

usually over texting

boyfriend "Gn girl cya tmrw "lysm ""
Girlfriend " alr baby"

by Step ladder November 22, 2022