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M.C. Bammer

MC Bammer- (adj.) a slang term that is growing rapidly in the bay area community to describe a plethora of situations and actions. it can be used in a negative connotation to describe a bad kind of weed, or in a positive way to show that something was really cool.

the origins of this adjective come from Markus Lloyd and Chitinma Ahamafule, two locals of the bay area, who wanted to start a new revolution of slang terms... MC Bammer was the term that started it all. this term would also not exist if it wasnt for m.c. hammer, although his career now is fushed down the toilet, a small part of it lives on with this new catchy word. although someone else probably thought of this as well, it has not yet caught on and thats why we are introducing it to the world!

negative connotation-

"Damn nigga!, this shit aint no purple, ITS Some M.C. BAMMER!"

Positive connotation-

"HOLY SHIT! that was some M.C. Bammer ass shit last night nigga!"

by Markafule March 31, 2011

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