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Mangooo, known among various communities. Participates in illegal activies such as Doxxing, Scamming, Exploiting. Also, he has the intentions of spreading hate crime. He's been seen spreading hate on various platforms and forums harrasing members.

Person 1: I was playing with UnluckyMangooo the other day. He told a African-American to "Never lose your smile" and "have a Totally Nice Day"

Person 2: Seems odd. He doesn't seem like the positive type. Saw him the other day saying something along the lines of "Save Europe"...?

Person 3: He told me to KMS

by 4wyan December 15, 2023


itsDani_ 's channel meme


Tizio 1: Parole moderne

by Demiroj97/LoDucky May 23, 2016