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hmmm a marcel, if your lucky enough to meet a marcel, you will instantly want to know more about him. marcel's are the kindest, most genuine, mature, honest humans you meet. marcel's are rare so when you find one, dont you DARE let him go because you literally will never find a heart like his. a marcel will make you laugh, a lot if you find a good one:) he will also stay on your mind all the time, so make sure you are ready for a marcel becuase once they enter your mind they arent going to leave. it is so lucky if you get the chance to fall in love with a marcel, i promise, it will give you this whole other feeling. make sure everything you do with your marcel is to make him happy becuase you know a marcel always does the same.

wowowow marcel is so hot

by fat taco man June 12, 2019

1078πŸ‘ 126πŸ‘Ž


Since when you type in the name marcel it's just a guy definition I thought I should make a girl definition. Marcel is the smartest , kindest , funniest person you will meet she lights up a room , she stands out in the crowd , she is sassy and will beat your ass if you try her . Overall if meet a marcel grab on tight and never let go.

I am defining the word marcel. Damn your turning into a marcel , that's okay the world needs more marcels anyway .

by Roxanne Dawson July 11, 2017

7πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž


sophisticatedly quiet, but moving; like a mime.(comes from the famous French mime Marcel Marceau)

That man on the bench is very marcel!

by M. Coullard April 3, 2008

121πŸ‘ 102πŸ‘Ž


sum fucking creepy guy lmao also hes short

yo marcel is so short (i just farded)

by Myronsss2 May 31, 2022

36πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž


Marcel is a hot guy from Germany who kinda plays with feelings. He can be very nice and gentle but also a really mean guy. I used to like him but now he doesn’t pay any attention to me so fuck him.

β€˜Marcel just texted me, I’m so happy.’

by abbythehotty January 25, 2022

16πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


a tall or giant size woman that kinda resembles bigfoot. In addition has a strange odor that smells like an old dirty sock or soiled blanket..

Holy shit!!! Did you see that woman. Looked like a marcel

by Dave Haus July 26, 2009

42πŸ‘ 93πŸ‘Ž


A further generalization of the first definition noted on this page;used to connotate any and all members of the marsupial family, it is used as slang for all canopy-dwelling monkeys

Look at that marcel in the tree

by Smag March 5, 2007

38πŸ‘ 86πŸ‘Ž