MD syndrome aka Medical Department syndrome Furry/Femboy syndrome is highly infectious, common for Medical Department's personal.
Methods of infection:
1) Close contact with infected individual for a long period of time(Hugs, cuddles) Handshakes are still safe
2)Blood contact with MD's personal is always a guaranteed method to be infected, as it was said earlier, you can avoid infection by having an immunity.
Stages of infection:
1)The infected individual have a comfortable feeling near MD personal, or any anthro-animal(Femboy), trying to spend most of their time near
2) The infected individual is starting to shown first visible changes, such as: Attempts to join MD at all costs, buying an antho-animal avatar(
Note: First 2 stages can be cured by joining SD, where authorized personal will perform a surgery, to remove the affected layers of victim's brain, not decreasing the brain activity
3) Unrevertable changes, victim starting to send pictures containing antho-animals, latex,femboys, or even REDACTED
At this stage, infected will try to affect as many uninfected as possible, becoming highly aggressive when combative personal will try to cease the infection attempt
4) The infected looses it's personality, following orders by patient-0, loosing all brain activity at this point.
Originally written by "TheSimpleForest"
Originates from a Roblox game called TSC (Thunder Scientific Corporation)
Look at that loser, he's got MD Syndrome!
15👍 3👎
MDS is a severe neurophysical and behavioral disorder characterized by a lack of marijuana in one's system. Victims of MDS exhibit a tendency to buzzkill, harsh on good times, and induce downer vibes. MDS is treatable, but not curable.
The Federal Government's raid on Oaksterdam University suggest that Obama may be suffering from Marijuana Deficiency Syndrome (MDS).
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