Instead of ‘Middle Age’ for folks 45-65 who are still viable and foxy…it can be ‘Middle Hot.’
In age terms, there are many ages to describe younger people: newborn, infant, baby, toddler, child, pre-teen, teenager, adolescent, juvenile, young adult (early 20’s) then jumps into adult for a little bit and nothing else for awhile until you are over 45. Then it jumps from adult to middle age to old without recognizing the minute changes and steps for people in this age bracket of which there are many.
There are so many hot & viable people in this age range who don’t feel the least bit old, just look at the actors and musicians in this age group? Still rocking! Yet the name ‘middle age’ makes one think of the ‘middle ages’, a dark time in European history or someone who is getting old and past their prime. Many ‘middle hot’ folks are just hitting their real prime if they’re healthy and living true to themselves! Middle hot also recognizes when someone is still hot, healthy and vibrant, living a vivacious life and yet is not young.
MIddle age? No thanks! We’ll have ‘Middle Hot’ thank you!-Coined ©DM/2019
So we’re ‘middle hot’ now if it fits, not middle aged.
Robin Wright is a middle hot women married to a man who is also middle hot from France.
I no longer refer to myself as middle age, but middle hot. A nicer way to put that age bracket!
I’d rather be (or be with)a middle hot woman who knows herself than a young person still easily influenced by society!