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Used to describe the middle of a sports ground such as football, basketball, rocket league etc. The main purpose of this must needed word is the fact its a shortened version of the word middle. I do not like the word middle.

*playing footy*

kallum- *running down the wing with the ball*
conor- *exclaiming and out of breath* MIDST!

kallum- *makes a lovely pass to the center of the pitch*
conor- *shoots, misses*
conor- at least it was a good midst tho
kallum- ye i guess

by muph July 19, 2022


prepostiton: the condition of being among or amid something. Derived from the word mist and can often be used synonymously...

I wet to the toilet in the midst of Anna's shower.

by Jonoboi July 16, 2006

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there's a spy in our midst

when there is an enemy spy in the base

engineer:there's a spy in our midst
pyro:*arson intensifies*

by raybeez February 11, 2022