Source Code

More Than

1)Being More Than What ever Compared to!

2) Doing More than You need to

Girl: Would You Ever go with me?
Boy: No I am "More Than"

Type 2

Girl: " Yelling Flocka Songs"
Boy: Your "More Than"

by VarinaSwagDistrict November 24, 2010

21๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

more than more

when something greater than a particular thing that is greater than something else .
It is also used as a way to show that something isn't just more but much more

we dont just need more food we need more than more food said the activist.

example 2: Her: I love you more
him: I love you more than more

by generol January 31, 2022

more than a feeling

Greatest rock song ever written in the history of rock! Everyone knows this song, and really no one seems to hate it, it's pretty much the universal song for "chillin'"

Man, those townies rock out to "More than a feeling" hXc!

by James Nease August 3, 2006

109๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

More Than Most

When you love your girlfriend "more than most" meaning when she texts you " I love you most" you text back " I love you more than most".

"I love you more than most"

by MPUD321 October 23, 2017

99๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž

more than three

A verb meaning to adore someone or something. An intensified version of less than three. Also ">3".

Nerd Girl: I less than three you. *giggle*
Nerd Guy: Well I more than three you. *giggle*
Nerd Girl: Well I more than more than three you. *giggle*
Passerby: Shut the fuck up!

by wordshark May 21, 2008

31๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

More than friends

Actually pronounced "More Than Friends", this is a term usually used to denote friends who are also lovers. However, this term could logically describe any such pairing of individuals whose relationship "penetrates" beyond a simple, standard friendship. "We're more than friends, we're also cousins", or something. Yeah right. "We're more than friends, we're also taxidermists". Mmmkay?

"Jack and Jill were more than friends, they were also fellow hill-survivors".

by ginnydare February 4, 2006

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More than a feelin'

Totally amazing song, written by Tom Sholz for the band Boston. One of the greatest guitar riffs ever, and basically the guitar line for Nirvana's 'Smells Like Teen Spirit'

Guy 1: I closed my eyes and I slipped away...
Guy 2: Dude, that's so emo
Guy 1: That's not emo, its more than a feelin'

by Obscured by Clouds February 2, 2009

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