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what you obviously do not have because you are here, procrastinating. good job

you do not have motivation

by doritofritocheeto April 26, 2016

203πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž


In life, there will always be someone who is
Than you
But that’s ok
I learned that the hard way
I used to always start in soccer,
But after the coach moved away I didn’t

He always left me out
And I would go home and cry
I didn’t find soccer β€˜fun’ anymore
And I wanted to quit
But you can’t let that make you frustrated
There are people in the world who would love to see you fail
And would you want them to see you
Or would you want to prove them wrong
I will admit
There are the bad days
Which make everything in life seem wrong
But they prove who you are
If you crack under pressure

Or rise up
So if there’s one thing I learned in my 13 years
It’s to never give up
If you work hard enough it’s possible.


by LifeOfMysery September 26, 2019

60πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


That thing in the back of your mind that drives you, no matter what seems to be stacked against you.

The corss country runner, Molly, had lots of motivation

by griff mccarthey May 8, 2005

245πŸ‘ 66πŸ‘Ž


Irrelevant. And you don't care. YOU don't want me to benefit from this and other people have EXPLICITLY STATED that they don't want me to benefit from this (3 people specifically. Tyrone, Internet Tyrone, and Fat Neckbeard. None of them refute the fact that I've done the things I've said I've done but they all relish the fact that I am not being allowed to use it to elevate myself above them socially and economically) so MY motivation is whatever you need it to be to justify preventing me from benefiting from this. I think whatever you think I think and I feel whatever emotion you project on to me. Thus is the solipsistic nature of man.

Hym "Let's talk about YOUR motivation. I'm sure it's 100% altruistic. You're the lords prophet who doesn't believe in God (in an ontological sense) and seriously tried to frame 'belief in God' as this sort of affront to God like "Who could even dare to say that they believe in something so profound and magnificent!?' LITERALLY 99% percent of the planet. That's who. Basically everyone but you. And then you round up your sycophants to sit there and blow smoke up God's ass with statements like 'Well maybe God is too magnificent, too good for mortal eyes to behold' in an attempt to overcompensate for your inability to reconcile with your analytical mind's inability to believe. So what is YOUR actual motivation for participating in this facade? Spite? To teach me a lesson that I will never learn? Punishment? Revenge? You sure as hell aren't doing me any favors over there. Better yet, what would my motivation have to ACTUALLY BE from me to get credit for my contribution? If my motivation is relevant AT ALL, what is the acceptable motivation that gets me the things I want? Nothing. Nothing would satisfy you. And because nothing would satisfy you, my motivation is irrelevant. You do not care about my motivation."

by Hym Iam March 16, 2023

1πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


Any reason to go out and get pissed

Oi Tyrone, you got a motive this Saturday?

by Sly Saville July 8, 2015

414πŸ‘ 68πŸ‘Ž


the word motive is used by people who have to go to a party every weekend and they advertise it by putting the word motive on there snapchat srories

someone give me a motive to go out and destroy my lungs and liver

by banteruser624 March 31, 2017

446πŸ‘ 85πŸ‘Ž

the motive

The activity that the members of your social group will be participating in on a particular occasion. It may be stated, when asked, 'what's the motive?', the location where the motive will be taken place. Multiple activities are often stated when asked' 'what's the motive?'.

Brad: What's the motive?
Joe: Nando's then cinema?
Brad: Coolio

by Joedanielreynolds July 27, 2017

47πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž