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A thrilling, energy-efficient mode of transportation that many people consider "too dangerous", mainly because these people drive a 3-ton SUV while texting.

SUV driver: <texting> OMG LOL grumpy cat is SOO HILAR-
SUV driver: OMG what was that??
<sees dead motorcyclist in rear view mirror>
SUV driver: Serves him right he shouldn't be driving a motorcycle they're sooo dangerous, LOL!!!!

by Foodinator October 13, 2015

190๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž


Motorcycles are the best form of adrenaline rush because when you get off one you say, "wow i'm still alive!"

My motorcycle keeps my heart healthy.

by gaggdsfsdfasd January 19, 2007

384๐Ÿ‘ 85๐Ÿ‘Ž


A vehicle composed of basically an engine, a tank, and a pair of wheels. Often have excellent power-to-weight ratio and heaven sent fuel-consumption.

Not necessarily a sportsbike (refered to as "crotch rocket" by those who can't get their momma to buy them one, or can't get any).

Comes in various forms, from a cruiser (terminator bike), dual-purpose bikes (badass bike, typically used by the villains in a movie, eg: KLR650) to naked bikes (father of the sportsbike, mother of all bikes, eg: Bandit 1200, Ducati Monster).

Unfortunately, sometimes it is operated by attention whores, monkeys, or people with small dick. These are the ones you see riding recklessly on the freeway, often wearing nothing more than a helmet, a t-shirt, and a pair of flip-flops.

Sometimes used as a benchmark for accelaration by ignorant petrolheads, such as that kid driving his mom's civic who thinks he's the shiet when passing one, or that whiny british car journalist.

Bob sees a motorcycle cruising at traffic speed on the highway.

Bob : Look, a motorcycle. I will overtake him to show l33t I am.

Bob overtakes the motorcycle, on the wrong lane, at twice the speed limit, with blinkers off.

Bob : he didn't have a chance. haha. Oh, my dick is 4 inch longer now. w00t.

Motorcyclist who was cruising at 1/8 throttle : Sigh. Poor kid. I guess american education is to blame....

by summerfrost April 9, 2006

443๐Ÿ‘ 157๐Ÿ‘Ž


A two wheeled hearse. The ultimate chick magnet...bound to get you laid. You will be considered a true outlaw by your friends if you ride one. Just don't get hurt!

Motorcycles are dangerous deathmobiles...but I still own one. It gets me laid everyday...gives me huge amounts of respect...and I spank Honda Civics on the streets and highway like no other.

by sdfasdasd December 7, 2006

364๐Ÿ‘ 173๐Ÿ‘Ž


An attractive girl wearing her hair in pigtails, which you want to grab, use as handlebars, and ride her all night long

Gee, those pigtails on Sarah sure make me want to grab on and ride her like a motorcycle.

by PBK May 11, 2007

175๐Ÿ‘ 84๐Ÿ‘Ž


A sexual position or the act in which the girl has her hair tied up in pigtails, and while hitting it from the back in doggy style the man grabs on to the pigtails as "handlebars" and makes a "vroom vroom" noise simulating a motorcycle.

"Dam I motorcycled my girl all night long!!"

by someaznninja October 30, 2007

58๐Ÿ‘ 74๐Ÿ‘Ž


the act of grabbing the legs of a person like a handle on the motorcyle. and putting the foot on the crotch of that person shaking your leg violently. this will cause soreness of the testicles which will last for at least 2 days

synonym of the word: autobiking

"omg, i watched twilight with my gf, and my friends gave me motorcycle! i cant walk correctly..."

"lets give him a motorcycle! HEY u two, grab his legs and hold him down. *SHAKESSS* AHHHHHHHH HELLPPPPP"

by ericohhh!! November 6, 2009

40๐Ÿ‘ 53๐Ÿ‘Ž