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Muh Kids

You are trying to steal my contribution to society mine and if you succeed I'm going to steal yours.

A retard "But Muh Kids!"

Hym "Fuck your kids. You entire life has been nothing but doing what LESS INTELLIGENT PEOPLE THAN ME have told you to do and now you've been enlisted by those same people to steal my contribution to society and deny me the credit I deserve so that you can feel better about the fact that YOUR FILTHY RETARDED FUCKING MONGREL KIDS are going to benefit more from my existence than they are going to benefit from YOURS. Don't forget! I tried harder to keep your kids avoid the death they likely deserve than you did and THE ONLY OBSTACLE was YOU! YOU were to busy picking my bones clean like the fucking vultures you are! So, no. Fuck you kids. This is between me and the rest of you. Look at you kids. And now look in the mirror. That is what WORSE THAN ME looks like."

by Hym Iam February 20, 2025