Source Code


Broadly defined as anything that is very disgusting. Originally from the acronym "Mash Until No Good" from the practice of making many changes to a code until it is useless. Made popular from the Saturday Night Live sketch "Wayne's World", it was in the top 5 worst things to get in your halloween bag. It was mentioned again in South Park episode 317, this time more narrowly defined as a substance which comes out of a pregnant woman's vagina when pressure is applied to her stomach. And somehow an urban legend involving corpse fluids has sprung off the term mung, though there is no documentation supporting that this is anything other than a gross-out story.

The fraternity had a story about putting mung in the cookies they fed the freshmen. It was so gross!

by Monkeypirate December 10, 2005

2516๐Ÿ‘ 1089๐Ÿ‘Ž


Its the stuff that comes out when you push on a pregnant womans stomach

I gave that woman a hug and mung came out!

by Trisha F09630 November 14, 2008

1220๐Ÿ‘ 510๐Ÿ‘Ž


In Australia, means to eat or devour something, usually quite enthusiastically.

I need to mung on something

I'm starving I wouldn't mind munging on a pie right now

by Antoi June 17, 2008

122๐Ÿ‘ 61๐Ÿ‘Ž


A type of Bean

The mung bean is the seed of Vigna radiata which is native to India. Mung beans are commonly used in Chinese cooking. Germinated mung bean sprouts (usually sold simply as 'bean sprouts') are stir fried (usually with ingredients such as garlic, ginger, spring onions or salted fish pieces to add taste) as a vegetable accompaniment to a meal. Uncooked bean sprouts are used in filling for Vietnamese spring rolls. Mung beans are also used to make a sweet soup, served either warm or chilled.

add three cups of mung beans for every 4 cups of water, bring to a boil

by Yonsen November 6, 2005

644๐Ÿ‘ 529๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. (verb) the act of digging up a recently deceased woman and putting your mouth up to her vaginal orfice while someone else stomps on her stomach forcing all of the fluids (from the vagina) into your mouth.

2. (noun) the literal vaginal secretions from the dead female once in your mouth

2. Josh's grandma died so Johnny and I munged her. The funeral was a munging good time.

by mr. mung March 6, 2005

469๐Ÿ‘ 458๐Ÿ‘Ž


An army buddy told me this definition. When you are having intercourse with a dead woman and need extra lubricant you punch her in the belly and the fluids from the abdominal cavity stream down into her vagina.

Mung provides an excellent lubricant.

by ReidBoy December 20, 2006

154๐Ÿ‘ 184๐Ÿ‘Ž


in 1976 the word mung was described to me as the stuff that runs down a pregnant womans legs after you hit her in the stomach with a baseball bat about 20 times...this matches the south park reference and as frank zappa would say "vile and pernicous",

the beauty of truly disgusting words is that once you hear the meaning you have heard enough,mung

by ekim live July 23, 2006

83๐Ÿ‘ 96๐Ÿ‘Ž