Source Code

mach 3

when you grab shit out of your boyfriends ass and pull his shit out you must make sure you scrape the sides for all the excess shit. Generously apply to the five o clock shadow and shave away! This is your standard shit shaving cream which means the shit is a log and not soft.

My bofriend was sucking me off when his scruffy face started to chafe on my balls we decided to give him a mach 3 to eliminate the irratation.

by Bryce Shore November 17, 2006

16👍 50👎

Mach 3 Dip

Shaving a man's balls, then teabagging a chick.

Jim gave his girlfriend the mach 3 dip, then dumped a batch of man juice on her tits

by Jimmy the gimp December 23, 2009

8👍 1👎