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Male/female oneletterlastname

Is a general term used to describe stupid people on Urban Dictionary trying to impress a friend or start something with their names. They will often write a sickening paragraph about how 'cute' or 'sweet' or 'amazing in bed' said person is, then read the "Write for a large audience." And "Don't name your friends." Rule and change the 'is so sweet and amazing and' to 'is USUALLY so sweet and amazing and'. Its like the same person writes the exact same crap over and over and over and over with different names.

Tim D -vb. to sex someone up n. man with a massive schlong vb.That whore just got timmed n.You hear about Bob? He is timming that chick.

Melanie - A name for a girl. french, means "dark". like dark hair, olive skin. people named melanie are always really pretty and super nice. just sexy, if you will. used to say it when seeing a pretty girl, but they obviously will never match up to her standards.

Male/female oneletterlastname - generic sickeningly disgusting explanation of over dramatised aspects of peoples personality, or how awesome said person is in bed

by Threedog April 3, 2015