Source Code

Man Kinged

When you're playing Super Smash Brothers for N64 and you successfully kill the other team without you or your teammate losing a life. After a team has been Man Kinged they both must give up the controllers, unless there is noone else there to play. (but everyone would love to play Super Smash Brothers, atleast the one for N64)

We Just Man Kinged!! GOT EMMMM..

by ShaneB October 31, 2010

1👍 1👎

burger king man

the guy who yells
" KIck that nigger bitch off the plane.... NIGGER"

"kick that nigger bitch off the plane" says burger king man.
flight attendent, " sir, sir there are kids on the plane"
burger king man, " NIGGER!!"

by burger king mam April 22, 2021

413👍 5👎

Burger King Man

The Burger King Man watches you while you sleep, never taking his eyes off of you. Waiting for the moment to strike.
His natural habitat is the airplanes.

Person 1: Hey man, idk what's going on, but I feel like someone's watching us.

Person 2: It's probably the Burger King man!


by The Burger King man Whisperer April 27, 2021

91👍 6👎