Source Code

man batter

semen, come, man juice

I got man batter all over this one girl's face in my latest bukakke movie "take it in the face, bitch."

by Duke January 22, 2003

66👍 18👎

man batter

joy juice, facial cream, man milk, letche

I once added man batter to my girlfriends cookies... I hope she enjoyed them.

by Negativeion July 1, 2003

33👍 20👎

man batter

1.the batter, or nut that comes out of a guy.
2.That shit that you should not swallow
no matter how good they say it taste.
3.white, creamy substance that burns when it gets into your eye....nut to be exact.

BOY:"Lets cook with my man batter!"
GIRL:"I don't think that is safe."
GIRL:Man batter is in my eye......and it FUCKIN' BURNS!!!"

by Jotaku December 22, 2004

29👍 27👎

man-battered hand cakes

Any sort of pancake-like pan-fried product with "special sauce" included.

I whipped up a bunch of spunk-filled man-battered hand cakes for my guests at breakfast yesterday.

by Chilidog November 16, 2007

4👍 5👎

Man-Cake Batter

a clever was of saying jizz

i'm going to blow a big batch of man-cake batter in your face

by your mother's chest hair March 27, 2008

6👍 5👎