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man fluid

Another slang term for the word semen. This one is a more vivid, straight to the point term.

I made gay love to my cousin and he swallowed up all of my hot man fluid, not leaving a drop to spill from his pre-teen mouth.

by The Godmother January 6, 2005

9👍 21👎

man fluid rocket

when a guy is fucking a girl from behind and his orgasm is so powerful that his semen launches her into space.

Dude #1: "Hey, whatever happened to that chick? I haven't seen her around lately..."

Dude #2: "Yea man, I gave her the man fluid rocket, she's prolly around the asteroid belt right now."

Dude #1: "Nice."

by Brooks Brothers January 31, 2007

47👍 7👎