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March 31st

March 31st is the day that Mario, a popular video game character created by Nintendo, dies.

After March 31st I was no longer able to buy Super Mario 3D All-Stars and Mario died.

by 129987 December 21, 2020

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March 31st

National Give your girlfriend whatever she wants

Gf: Hi love ! <3
Bf: Yeah?

Gf: Its March 31st!
Bf: uhh? yay? wh- OH-
Gf: you have to get me whatever i want <3
Bf: Alright alright ..

by Ayoimsosussylmao July 27, 2023

March 31st

People born on this day have a 64% chance of sleeping with you.

I had best sex on March 31st.

by Mozzasucks October 15, 2019

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March 31st

God made the best person day

Person:God made me,The best person
Friend:What makes you say that?
Person:Because my birthday is march 31st

by Deepfried_dads December 17, 2021

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march 31st

international day for bullying everyone named gracy

me: happy march 31st guys
gracy: hey guys how are yo-
me: haha noob!!!!

by notnicolyn March 31, 2022

March 31st 2021

The day that Mario is wiped away from existence? Maybe, seems strange of Nintendo to put it right before Aprils Fools day. This is also when Super Mario 3D All-Stars and the Free-To-Play Super Mario Bros 35 will be taken off-sale.

March 31st 2021 of this year is basically the doomsday of Mario

by 88k3 March 12, 2021

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March 31st, 2021

The day Mario will be publicly executed.

I can't believe Mario will be killed on March 31st, 2021

by Fuck it, *Uses his Real Name* March 23, 2021

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