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Mariah Lynne

A Mariah Lynne is my swift. :D she is a b.e.a.utiful mother ducker who is my sister &+ wife. (Swift) I love her to death, although, we really don't chill that muchhh. :(( But when we do, it's like we hung out the day before. She has gorgeeouss bluuuee eyess and is a tan, skinny bitchh wiff a belly button ring, and a nosee ring tooo. All the d00ds wanna fudge herr, but she don't lett 'eem. :) we gots so0o much in commonn, anndd yourr mann will wanna fuuckk mariahh soo hardd that his dick CUMS out her bum :D tehehheeheh.

I'm a narstyy girl. :P

I wish I was Mariah Lynne !

by Nigggggggggggggggggggggggggggg July 16, 2010