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A ship from Miraculous Ladybug between (Mari)nette Dupain-Cheng and Ka(gami) Tsurugi.

MariGami is too pure for this world. MariGami is too pure for us. MariGami transcends crossing the mind of the average human, only few truly appreciating this masterpiece.

MariGami is love. MariGami canon. MariGami endgame.

LukaNette shipper: “iF tHeY wErEn’t SuPeRhErOeS lUkAnEtTe WoUlD,Ve bEeN cAnOn”
AdrieNette shippers: “ADrIeNeTtE iS eNdGaMe”
MariGami shippers, intellectuals: “Please, no need to argue, MariGami is canon 😏”

by Paisai June 9, 2021