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Definition: The term markel is usually used to describe a handsome yet talented man. He has a beautiful sense of humor and is loved by many.

Man: Wow who is that?
Other Guy:oh that's markel.
Man: I wish I was him.

by Dr.Dicklittle March 13, 2017

195πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž


A boy you immediately fall for as soon as you lay eyes on him. He has a smile that shines brighter than the sun, and a laugh that will charm any girl. He's extremely fun to be around, and will go out of his way to make you feel great. You'd get lost in is eyes and you'll find yourself thinking about him nonstop. He's got a great sense of humor and is always up for an adventure. He isn't afraid of judgment and will stick up for you without hesitation. He has a huge heart and will do anything for the people he loves.

I fell in love with Markell the first time i saw him

by amajorsimp November 26, 2021

23πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A very passionate person will never cheat on any girl, is very nice and makes a great bestfriend. They are amazing to date because of there amazing personality.

I really want to date a guy like Markell.

by Derek Erenson March 27, 2018

105πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž


an adjective or noun having to do with supremecy, or undeniable greatness; a far superior being commonly associated with myth or legend , but is real; top tier.

You are one MarKell of a guy.

by Makzmillione February 27, 2009

140πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž


A really nice guy that has a great personality. He has many great friends that can rely on him every time.

Person 1: Wow! I wish I could be more like Markelle! He is such a good person.
Person 2: Nigga handlebar exhaust fan

by N*ga handlebar exhaust fan May 5, 2019

23πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Something marvelous which of course can only be produced by a Mark.

That was phenomenal work Mark did!

No kidding, it was truly Markelous.

by MorkMr January 14, 2011


a beautiful girl who is overlooked. she is sweet, caring and tends to have a great sense of humor. her creativity and loyalty make her a great friend but she tends to overreact from bottling up her feelings. markelle’s tend to hate drama and secrets. they are definetly not fake. they also never get jealous! markelle is a rare name so if you meet one she’s a keeper!

i wanna be friends with a markelle

by soccerball1lolme December 1, 2019