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Usually an pretty amazing person. She is gorgeous and loves to make people laugh. Any guy would be lucky to have her. Although she can be really strange, she is always kind to everyone. She takes other peoples feelings into consideration and is a really good person. MaryEllen can easily make any stranger smile. :)

MaryEllen, you are extremely amazing. :)<3

by TDunn123456789 March 29, 2010

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A mother who abandons her child for dick and drugs.

A mother who rejects her baby at birth.

A mother who creates a narrcist child.

A disease that causes acluster of tumors amd memory loss.

Man I just got back from the doctors and I have Maryellens disease. He said that it was...I forgot.

I was Maryellened at 4 years old. She said "Frankly, the drugs mean more than you.

by Bethany Shitpussy April 24, 2023

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By far the sexiest person you will ever meet. Maryellen’s are extremely caring and great listeners. They also have an amazing sense of humour and great fashion sense. They are extremely athletic and awesome at pretty much everything. Maryellen’s are basically the best people on the planet so you should definitely become friends with them.

“That girl is incredible”

“Wow she really is awesome”
“What’s her name?”
“Oh, that makes so much sense”

by 420melon69 July 22, 2020

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A wonderful human being, always there for other people and always wearing a bright and gorgeous smile.

I love my Maryellen, she is all mine.

by TheBlueFluffy September 10, 2020

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Is pushed to work towards her passions just so that Zach can see her succeed more and also to try to one up him. Loves the language of French. She had already loved the language of French. Zach also loves French. Doesn't stress under pressure. Is a fabulous and very very loud cheer leader. Loves school with a passion. Is also a gymnast. Loves music. Hates breaking up with guys, but hates being broken up with even more. It always getting perfect grades in Math and French. Wants desperately to go to an amazing college to study Math. Loves reading and excels greatly academically. Has an amazing boyfriend who would kill a person who looked at her. Her favorite word is gigidy. Most people don't know what it means because every time somebody says or does something that makes her say gigidy she's laughing to hard. Can be very romantic and dirty at the same time. Loves people even though she prefers to be alone. Favors heals and skinny jeans over sweat and comfy Adidas track shoes. Is a superb kisser, but also loves to cuddle at times. Will stay up super late just to talk to you. Loves to be warm, so therefore despises the cold and winter months. Doesn't have perfect eyes, but doesn't fancy wearing her glasses and often forgets them. Can usually be either straight or bisexual. Has an extended vocabulary, more extended than most peoples' her age and older. Knows how to deal with teenage drama, especially with her friends. Is an amazing singer, and loves writing her own songs.

She's perfect.
I love her.
She's mine.
I wanna bang with her and Emily.
Her French test scores are impeccable.
Je t'aime.
Of course she's a cheerleader.
Cheer leader and a gymnast. Oh. My. God. I wonder if she's knows what sexy math is?
Maryellen sure knows how to use her tongue.

by Zachs Girlfriend<3 January 11, 2014

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Bob and Maryellen

To play "Bob and Maryellen" means that when in a restaurant as a couple, you order two dishes, and split the dishes with a friend, spouse, or date.

Hey Joe, I'm not sure if I want the chicken parmesean or the steak. Do you want to play Bob and Maryellen with me so we can have both?

Heather never decides anything for herself. Even when she eats with people she must find someone to play Bob and Maryellen with to avoid making a decision.

by heyoooooo5623115151 March 6, 2011

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Spelled with a Hypen 'Mary-Ellen. A euphemism for a women's lady part coined by an unnamed Cosmo Staffer
www cosmopolitan com words-for-vagina

MaryEllen: Her Mary-Ellen is the most Heavenly place for my Richard Johnson to Come & Go in

by VD Tour 97 January 31, 2023