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Mary Sue

A Mary Sue is a character who is so perfect that he or she warps the world around them to display their perfection. It seems as though nothing in this universe except Mary Sue is even real, and is instead a plot device to make Mary Sue seem flawless and loved. A Mary Sue can destroy a piece of writing or media, since the characters existence will often forcibly make the world and people around them defy logic to simply display how amazingly radiant they are. The term is meant to describe any and all characters that seemingly warp reality simply to display their perfection, but some people do use terms such as “Marty Sue” or “Gary Sue” as a male nickname for a Mary Sue. It’s also important to know that in an attempt to make a character seem less Sue-ish, authors will often give their Mary Sue a “flaw” that is actually just a stale trait in disguise. This has lead to many different sub genres of the Mary Sue, thigh all are just as boring and cliche as the original.

“Man, this character is so annoying! It seems like everyone else is out of character just because she exists!”
“Bro, she’s probably a Mary Sue.”

by (Actually not named) Atalanta January 29, 2019

719👍 55👎

Mary Sue

A Mary Sue is an original character (oc) and has no flaws. Of course the author of this oc will say "they are clumsy" or "they are not very good at maths" or whatever. They will most probably have a power or an evil twin/ dark side. They also might have an impossible bloodline. Such as a half werewolf or half fairy.

Oh my god I really hate 'Mary Sues'

by Lilymation November 17, 2017

583👍 153👎

Mary Sue

The main character of the new Mulan and the Star Wars sequels.

Use The force Rey
Use The Chi Mulan
Use The plot device that makes you stronger than everyone, even if they can also use it, Mary Sue

by udontknowmeidontknowu February 2, 2021

63👍 26👎

Mary Sue

A derogatory term coined to describe a certain type of poorly-written self-insert character in fanfiction, who warped canon characters' personalities and were jarringly out of place in the works in which they were placed. In more recent years, Mary Sues have ceased to exist beyond parody and adolescent fanfiction, but the term has been incorrectly used to label any (female) character who may share similar qualities (1) as these previous self-insert characters.

(1) Including, among other things, good looks, a tragic backstory, the romantic interest of other characters, unique abilities, and/or a wide array of talents.

Correct use:
"'Gee, golly, gosh, gloriosky,' thought Mary Sue as she stepped on the bridge of the Enterprise. 'Here I am, the youngest lieutenant in the fleet—only fifteen and a half years old.' Captain Kirk came up to her. 'Oh, Lieutenant, I love you madly. Will you come to bed with me?'" (From "A Trekkie's Tale", by Paula Smith)

Incorrect use:
"Wonder Woman is so overpowered--she's clearly a Mary Sue!"

by linde13 December 16, 2020

32👍 11👎

Mary Sue

See Mary-Sue. A female fanfiction character who is so perfect as to be annoying. The male equivlalent is the Marty-Stu. Often abbreviated to "Sue". A Mary Sue character is usually written by a beginning author. Often, the Mary Sue is a self-insert with a few "improvements" (ex. better body, more popular, etc). The Mary Sue character is almost always beautiful, smart, etc... In short, she is the "perfect" girl. The Mary Sue usually falls in love with the author's favorite character(s) and winds up upstaging all of the other characters in the book/series/universe. There are several main types of Mary Sue:

Victim!Sues: The Victim!Sue is your whiny, wimpy, pathetic female character who can't seem to do much of anything except cry and get herself into trouble that the romantic interest of the fic has to rescue her from.

Warrior!Sues: The Warrior!Sue is usually loud, obnoxious and (of course) an amazing warrior. She'll usually have some tragic past that led her to become a warrior, and she'll upstage all of the Canonical characters with her mad Sueish powerz.

Mage!Sue: Similar to the Warrior!Sue, the Mage!Sue has amazing stregnth in magic, or has a magical power that nobody else has. She'll usually wind up upstaging all of the magical characters of the series.

Punk!Sue: Also called Noncomformist!Sue or Goth!Sue, the Punk!Sue is usually written by female beginners in the 11-15 age group. The Punk!Sue is loud, obnoxious, annoying and generally the type of person who you'd want to send off to boot camp for six months. The Punk!Sue almost always has angst coming out of her ears and isn't really a bad person, she's just oh!-so-angry at whatever tragic past the author has chosen to give her. The Punk!Sue is based on what the 11-15 year old author thinks is "cool" and wishes she could be. This includes Evil!Sues.

Misfit!Sue: This includes all Sues who are supposedly geeks, nerds, misfits, etc. Usually, the Misfit!Sue doesn't start out as inhumanly beautiful, but winds up getting a makeover and finding out she had the potential to be a guy-magnet (or girl-magnet, depending on the genre) all along. Also includes the "My parents want me to do this but I want to do that and it's not fair!!one!" type of Sue. Usually, this Sue is very bookish and smart, but will find some sort of physical talent nobody expected and become a star as a result.

Another thing to note is that a Sue will usually have a completely off-the-wall name, like "Viquetoria". The more wierd and pretentious the name of the character, the more likely it is that she's a Sue.

Finally, Sues often have wierd, improbable or impossible bloodlines. A secret half-elf child of Elrond and a nameless human would be an example of this. A character who was Dumbledore's grandchild and Tom Riddle's daughter would be another example.

The character in the HP fanfic was a complete and utter Sue. She moved across the street from Harry. She was beautiful, smart and pretty. They fell in wuv almost immediately. She threw all of the characters out of character and generally upstaged everyone. It was quite obnoxious.

by nscangal July 29, 2005

5156👍 3545👎

Mary Sue

Rey from Star Wars Episode 7, 8 and 9. The definition of a bad written character. If you have any questions about her not being a Mary Sue, please go back to the first 6 episodes and then try to defend her.

Rey is now officially MaRey SueWalker. She is such a Mary Sue.

by Tatsu 0w0 April 16, 2020

38👍 22👎

Mary Sue

A Mary Sue is a seemingly perfect character. Their male counterpart is a Gary Sue or a Marty Sue. They have little to no flaws. Often times they have a tragic backstory, being abused, abandoned, etc. They are unrealistically attractive, and often times have things that break cannon severely, such as a Pokémon girl being a Neko. They often have powers that are given to no others in the universe, and that have nothing to do with the universe. They often have long names, often times having 'Kawaii' or 'Desu' or simple Japanese language within them.
Often times they are dating a cannon character, and often times replace a cannon character.

"Your OC is a Mary Sue!"

"Yeah, my old OC was named Shi. She was a Mary Sue."

"Here's my OC, Kristina Jose Marky Trinity. Please don't say she's a Mary Sue."

by glibmonster July 16, 2017

193👍 189👎