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He is Marzan... That's all I really know about him... so ya ;)

Oh ya... he's also really smart.

Hey Marzan, can I have help with my math homework?

by yezeeee boi 77 March 21, 2018

9👍 5👎


Hmm. This guy is all about psychic abilities that will leave u spellbound.

Kind, smart, and very clever.

You will be lucky if u are a close one to him, but unlucky if u mess with him.

Marzan believes in one love, and he will love that one person forever. Marzan suffers, as a result. (dont be like marzan)

Omg i met Marzan the other day !

by The Rothschild Family October 3, 2018

4👍 2👎


This kid...walahi he's tapped. He's just this crackhead and he's abit of a joker. He's cold af. Trust me. He's also naive af. But he's like my brudda so yeah. But he's naive af.

For example:marzan:*hurts somebody's feelings*
All his friends:yu dh yu made smbdy cry

by 💋🙈 November 3, 2019


An amazing person who is a little shy at first but is really nice when you get to know her. She is smart, funny, and very pretty. She is a great friend to have and cares for everyone. Even if it is a stranger she will help that person. She is always smiling and is always happy, but when she is mad you do not want to be in her way. Other then that she is truly a very nice sweet person and a great friend.

Marzan is so sweet and a great friend.

by Rose14222 February 22, 2018

13👍 8👎