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Mascot Slasher

(noun) Mascot Slasher is a horror subgenre that in general, combines (now considered since 2023) Mascot Horror and Slasher subgenres. This subgenre tend to appear majorly in films (because of the latter's roots in that format), through it can be appear in other media formats, such as like video games (like the former's roots) and TV shows. Including, sometimes that isn't big-budgeted and more so indie entertainment studios. Similarity like nearly all Mascot Horror video games' production being made by Indie video game studios.

Mascot Slasher can appear in three meanings:
The first meaning is a Mascot Horror story that utilized Slasher elements (both its tropes and thematic), while retain the mother genre's identity.

The second meaning is a original Slasher story, where our Slasher villain(s) happens to be a entertainment (or childhood) mascot or group of entertainment mascots. This meaning is more straight of blending these two horror subgenres.

The third and final meaning is pre-established Slasher story, where if a Slasher franchise is too popular/successful and got more installments that no longer resembled to its original identity by its distributor. Instead, using of what is now Mascot Horror. Such as its tropes, aesthetics, marketing, mascot-level of comedy, and even sometimes the motif.

Smith: Oh, no. Another Mascot Slasher film that turn our childhood characters like Mickey Mouse into slasher villains.

by CJR2024 January 3, 2024