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The name you give the fetus when you get your math teacher pregnant and give her an abortion with a protractor

"Mrs Mays: have you got it?"
"Jimmy: yeah, I've got it but I'm keeping it and calling it Matheson"
"Mrs Mays: your really fucked in the head"

by the alpha ogre-lord September 24, 2014

15πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


someone who wants 3d chalk for their birthday so they can draw dinosours...they are turning 16.

jace: what do you want for your birthday?
lucy: I want a matheson.

by ladela October 24, 2009

17πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


he loves to have sex with his nanny and he keeps little kids in his room

matheson get your dick outa your sister

by jackkyboy12369 January 12, 2021

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

ein matheson

a washy pathetic individual. A school washout.

ein attempted suicide

by awesome March 2, 2005

22πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

matheson whittaker

If someone is named this they are dumby thicc. Sksksksk.

Matheson gets hit in the nuts
Matheson Whittaker: and I oop sksksks

by And I Oop sksksksksksksksksksk September 9, 2019

Jeffrey Matheson

The state of being chubby.

I feel really Jeffrey Matheson right now.

by Princess daisy sugar pie February 20, 2018

Pulling a Matheson special

When a family member or family friend constantly late to events that have been well planed for. To the point where everyone the person knows actively plans around said person lateness.

β€œI’m really sorry I’m late stone!”

β€œIt’s fine Hex, I know you mom is a master at pulling a Matheson special.”

I have ADHD of course I keep pulling a Matheson special.

by Hexed_into_next_year February 18, 2023