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Working really hard on a sum just for the feeling you get once you have solved it.

Guy #1 "OMG what's Elliott doing with his math book?"
Guy #2 "Eww! he's Mathsterbating!"
Guy #1 "So that's why he's sweating so much! Have fun with your Mathsterbation, Freak!"

by Disco Alpingu March 27, 2007

11👍 1👎


Mathsterbation is the act of masturbating when a maths problem or assignment becomes too difficult and/or tedious to complete. It is often practised when the subject has lost all hope in completing his maths and can see no other option.

Friend 1: Hey, what did you get for question 4?

Friend 2: *fap* *fap* *fap* Go Away!

Friend 1: Mathsterbation already? That's weak...

by highoffmathsfaps November 5, 2013


To require kleenex after mathematical gratification

Sophia helped Luke mathsterbate, then swallowed his cumulative frequency

by Tom and Sarah May 29, 2006

57👍 12👎


To require kleenex after mathematical gratification

Sophia helped Luke mathsterbate, then swallowed his cummulative frequency

by Tom and Sarah May 24, 2006

10👍 19👎