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Maui, Demigod of the land and sea, hero to all.

Maui the demigod is my god. I am converting to Moanism.

by howlter January 17, 2017

59๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


Just an ordinary demi-guy
The new "Jackass that you can't help but like" in Disney's newest hit original Princess movie, Froz-... Moana.

Maui, shapeshifter, demigod of the wind and sea, hero of men. Sorry, sorry, sorry, and women. Men and women, both, all. alululgahguhth, ah, you know, Maui is the hero to all.
It's Maui Time!

by Just an Ordinary Demi-Guy May 30, 2017

13๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


A popular travel destination featuring sandy beaches, world-renowned surfing, Haleakala volcano and rainforests, Maui relies mainly on tourism and is struggling to cope with growing numbers of visitors and development. Maui's natural beauty diminishes each year, as undeveloped beaches and forests are bulldozed to make way for pricey resorts, chain stores, upscale planned communities and sterile golf courses, built to satisfy demands from tourists, developers and their clients. The growth has been largely unregulated, leading to an unbalanced economic system throughout, where prices for housing, food, gas and utilities are very high compared to the rest of the U.S., to garner money from tourists, and wages are extremely low, leading to poverty and crime.

A marketing version of the Hawaiian culture has been used as an advertising ploy to help create Maui's thriving economy, while the local people struggle to survive on subsistence wages. A shortage of drinkable water, affordable housing and opportunity plague members of the population who would be middle-class if they lived anywhere else, but can't afford to move or won't leave the home they love.

Maui's position of being a favored luxury travel destination has led to opportunities for unscrupulous investors, money-hungry real estate agents and numerous profiteers, while the land and rivers have become heavily polluted with industrial waste from agribusinesses, insufficient recycling and garbage disposal and human waste from unregulated dumping, just offshore. However, fine dining, immaculate accommodations and luxury amenities are readily available on Maui, making this a premier vacation destination, for those who can afford it and don't mind the rest.

"Man, Sarah looks bad after that plastic surgery she had. She was beautiful before. Now she's gone and Maui'ed herself."

by Isabel J. November 11, 2005

150๐Ÿ‘ 56๐Ÿ‘Ž


Maui is an amazing beautiful girl who loves everything. She is a very kind hearted person that does many caring deeds. She is very pretty and fun. A very outgoing person that is down for anything. She gets good grades and has many friends. She loves to play sports as well. Maui is a very kind, caring, intelligent, funny, mature, cool, and beautiful person

Wow have you met Maui, because man oh man she is one of the nicest persons Iโ€™ve ever met!

by VolleyballLover25 February 20, 2019

15๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


The second largest Hawaiian Island. Many beautiful sites, although not without its problems. The island is controlled by democrats, meth use is rampant, and sugar cane is grown and burn from time to time. The good side is the high quality marijuana, although very expensive at 20$ a gram. Beautiful beaches surround much of the island.

No, we don't have pearl harbor, thats another Hawaiian Island called Oahu.

by A.E. December 23, 2003

75๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž


The budding tips of the cannabis sativa plant. Weed.

Faherty: I'm bored man
Moro: Let's medicate this mother with a fat stooge of Maui

by Doc Bai February 22, 2007

36๐Ÿ‘ 60๐Ÿ‘Ž


*fucks a chicken*

Iโ€™m Maui!

Then Maui fucks a chicken named hay hay

by Goats โ€˜n Goats October 4, 2018

4๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž