Birthed from the same dirty word canal as; Oliver Closeoff, Wilma Dickfit, Ben Dover, Peter Pantz, Wayne Kerr and Miya Buttreaks, just to name a few.
Mawilli Hod is another dirty name to add to the collection of cheeky human depravity whilst trolling an unaware; presenter, speaker, listener, spectator and/or onlooker of an otherwise serious/professional matter.
Works great at; town halls, graduations, open mics, gender reveal parties (where someone has the pomposity to add a microphone to that occasion), weddings, funerals, any political forum or generally anywhere on the planet where unsuspecting humans are calling out names written on some list for whatever reason.
Speaker: Mawilli, Mawilli Hod...
Crowd: Snickers... Chatter amongst themselves... Snickers...
Speaker: Looks like he's not coming.