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Mean Girls 2

A term used to describe an unnecessary follow up to a popular body of work that is far superior. Commonly viewed as either a sequel or remake that is done by a company to milk out money from fans of the original.

OMG, they are making another one? Didn't they learn their lesson from "Mean Girls 2"?

by Ms. Chabert January 24, 2011

106πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Mean Girls 2

the movie that ruined Mean Girls.

i cant fucking believe they used disney stars for Mean Girls 2

by WeedIsNotADrug November 23, 2010

238πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž

Mean girls 2

The worst fucking movie ever

β€œHey have you heard of that new movie β€˜mean girls 2’
β€œYeah it totally sucked

by Lunar pixie February 26, 2021

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Mean Girls 2

The most HORRIBLE sequel ever created. Did they REALLYYY NEEEEED to remake it? No.

I watched Mean Girls 2 and it was the worst sequel/remake to a iconic movie I’ve ever seen.

by ihatemath May 4, 2021