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mean person

a person who has to put people down to make them selfs feel good abou them slef. people who call some names,and /or throughing s#!*% at them

the boy in her class was a mean person because he had to pick on people to make him slef feel better.

by duckybubbles October 13, 2007

216👍 140👎

a mean person


You are a mean person

by Hahdodntk January 26, 2021

14👍 4👎

Mean Person

Aholes Who Come From A Distant Galaxy To Earth To Be In Unsuspecting Areas Waiting To Spring Any Meaness Out On An Unsuspecting Individual, Absolute Scum Of The Earth Who Should Not Even Exist. They're I Said It.

OMG, That Tyler Is Such A Mean Person, I wish he'd stop.
Me, Too!!!

by K-dog-2004 January 29, 2022

2👍 2👎