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A kind and loving person who is who is self conscious and doesn’t love her self even tho she is very pretty.

Meeka is very pretty

by Chelsea are the. Best January 15, 2022

6πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Meeka - Strong hearted, brave
Beautiful aroma
African origins

meeka is someone who would run through a fire to save you

by daman2013 January 9, 2013

85πŸ‘ 108πŸ‘Ž


Kind, attentive, real, understanding, hard working, tells you how it is, makes you smile, knows how you like it.

I sat down, had a chat, got a drink, put on a smile and felt right at home. Meeka was there, obviously.

by Machinations August 15, 2011

139πŸ‘ 229πŸ‘Ž

Pulled A Meeka

Pulled A Meeka originated in Philadelphia Pa, when a female named Meeka notified select individuals in her family about her "so called" last minute wedding, that was in fact planned for quite some time. She invited 4 members from her own family and everyone from her soon to be husbands family. Her siblings and parents were complicit in this act.

Family: Hey cuz I seen you posting pictures of your wedding on Facebook, why didn't you tell me?
Perpetrator: It was a small ceremony nothing special.
Family: Damn you pulled a meeka huh?

by pseudodan215 January 24, 2020

Queen Meeka

The lovely girl who donates her time to charity. She is a great friend and person. Highly talented and gifted human.

Queen meeka is the perfect role model.

by Kami Williams March 2, 2019

Queen Meeka

Queen Meeka is an actress, professional dancer and fashion model. Queen Meeka has been recognized internationally for her work as an author of children's books. Queen Meeka is considered a national humanitarian and role model.

Wow! That girl's runway walk is almost like Queen Meeka !

by Sebastian Romankov January 30, 2020